Crazy 4 Cult NYC

I'm super exited to be participating in Gallery 1988's annual "Crazy 4 Cult" show. This year this the show is in New York City and runs from August 9 to September 1, 2012. Here's my contribution to the show, it's called "Alternate Ending". What if Vincent Price's character hadn't died in Edward Scissorhands but became a TV pitchman selling his wacky invention like Billy Mays or Ron Popeil. It's a 11x14, 5 color screen print on black French Paper. Crazy 4 Cult NYC will open in August 9th, with an opening reception from 6-9 PM, at 64 Gansevoort St. in the Meat Packing District. The show will stay up in this location through September 1st, and will feature over 200 artists!